Instead of doing a "here's how my beach vacation went" type blog, I decided to get a little creative. ;-) My friend, Paula, at GraceReign tagged me for another 8 random facts game.
While I'm not tagging anyone, I thought it'd be a fun way to share some vacation highlights...
Random Beach facts about me
1) I have celebrated my birthday at the beach almost every year since we started going to Destin in 1999. It's an awesome way to commemorate another year~ the presents and the beach anyway. The getting older I could do without.

2) This year my husband's gift made me cry. This picture doesn't do justice to the fact that my hubby bought me a very special and very cool Mont Blanc pen with a card that said, "To my favorite author. May God always write His words through your heart. Happy Birthday!" What's even more cool is that this gift was his way of encouraging me and letting me know he hears the little secret wishes I only joke about sometimes.
3) This year and last year someone in my family landed in the ER. Last year it was me. This year it was my littlest one. ;-( We'd appreciate prayers because we're still not sure what's up with her foot and we're going to yet another doctor tomorrow.
4) My oldest two aren't exactly swimmers, but they can surf the waves with style. Some of my favorite memories are the times we've floated on Boogie boards and talked or jumped the waves and laughed together.
5) My baby is not a fan of the water, but she's all smiles as she darts in and out of the ankle deep water that bubbles over the sand. Her favorite part of the beach? The pool. Go figure.
6) I do not tan. I burn. No matter that I use SPF 5,000. It's a frustrating fact of life, but thankfully our girls inherited their coloring from their dad and all three of them have darker sun-kissed skin with no sunburns~ praise the Lord!
7) My favorite part of the beach is listening to the ocean waves while sitting out on our deck in the morning reading God's Word. The beach is one place I can most easily hear the Lord and respond in praise without words because my heart is so full.
8) Beach vacations are the only time I let my family go wild with food. It's like a once a year Soma rush of Pringles, sugar, and chocolate with no guilt because I'm usually running around so much that I work it all off and fall into bed each night happily tired and satisfied.
Thanks for your prayers as we were gone and your great birthday wishes! We're now heading into the last few weeks of school and lesson plans for next year. Then it will be months of art projects and "Girls Club" where my kiddos get to do all the messy projects I run from during the school year. Prayers for my sanity and clean carpets are much appreciated. ;-)
What about you all? What are your summer plans?
I am so with you on #7, if there is a beach in heaven I want my mansion near it ;) I am so sorry to hear about your daughter, did she break it?
Um this summer, Hubby and I are running away to Charleston in two weeks, do some history sight seeings, and some quality time one on one.
Then end of June we go every summer to Minnesota to go bass fishing, my in laws have a cabin up there (near the Canadian boarder.
Then some sports camps for the kids thrown in.
Great to have you back, you were missed.
Hey, Laurel!
Thanks for missing me. ;-) It's good to be back.
My baby didn't break her foot~ praise the Lord! And she's finally on the mend and running about again.
Your summer plans sound wonderful!
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