A Day In The Life
Writers have weird days. Productive, non productiveand my personal favorite: faux productive.
Eight hours at the computer. What a great day! But it goes something like this:
10:00 a.m. Need to turn off Glenn Beck and get to work. But this bit about movies is so funny. Another few seconds. Oh, rats, left clothes in washer for two days.
10:01 a.m. Rewashing clothes.
10:03 a.m. Turn off radio. Ahhh, sigh. Okay, that was emotional, but now that I've cut the chord, I can get to work.
10:04 a.m. At computer. Must check all email and blog sites accounts.
11:00 a.m. Wow, it is eleven already? What...? Well, I was answering emails, checking in with a few readers, doing a quick blog pass. (Had to comment on five of them.)
But, it's marketing right? Getting my name out there!
Oh, write blog for Amy Wallace. Shoot, I forgot. Unexpected company last night. Stayed until 1:45 a.m. Hello, not a teenager anymore. Can't burn the candle at both ends.
11:02 a.m. Writing blog for Amy.
11:30 a.m. Sending blog to Amy. (Pssst, edit for typos, pulleeease)
11:35 a.m. Double click on WIP (work in progress) and go to page 351. Hey, almost finished with my edits and rewrites before deadline.
Shoot, am at a place where I need to write a new scene. Okay, think, think, think.
Hum... wonder who's emailed me in the last, oh say, thirty seconds.
11:37 a.m. Check all three email accounts and MySpace.
11:40 a.m. Okay, stop, get to work. Oh, is the laundry done? Want to get it in the dryer this time.
11:45 a.m. Laundry in dryer. I. Am. Ready. To. Go. But first, launch iTunes. Get some background music going.
Noon! Finally ready to go. Had to pause for a few minutes to download new songs.
12:05 p.m. Staring at page which needs new scene. What I've written so far is good. Like it. But, better check email. Hollywood might have contacted me with emergency request for movie rights.
12:10 p.m. See, this is what's wrong with Hollywood. Cannot recognize a good book-to-movie option. Lost In NashVegas, Georgia On Her Mind, Diva NashVegas...great movie plots.
12:11 p.m. Back to scene. Oh, this is good. Heroine is going to tell hero...wait, I can't write it here! It's a pivital plot point. Can't use Amy's blog as spoiler.
Wonder if I'll ever write as good as Kristin Billerbeck. Where is her latest release. Maybe what I should do is spend a half hour or so reading, then I can write. I don't read enough. Yeah, time out for... Oh, Chris Lynxwiler just IM'd me
2:00 p.m. Back to work. Chris is so funny. Had fun helping her plot her next book, due in June. Okay, so scene with heroine and boyfriend.
2:01 p.m. Wow, it's been awhile since I checked email.
2:30 p.m. Rats, still no Hollywood. Or Broadway. Lost In NashVegas IS begging to be made into a Broadway play.
2:31 p.m. Back to WIP. Crud, cat is caterwauling and dog wants out.
2:32 p.m. I need to get to work here. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, dog is scratching to get back in. Hey, don't you know I have a deadline! I'm pressured here, buddy. Don't waste my time.
Writing is so hard. Look, it's 2:33, I've been working for four hours and only written half a page.
3:00 p.m. Okay, scene done. I like it. Solid. These characters are great. Now, back to editing. Need to get twenty pages done to keep on schedule.
3:01 p.m. Well deserved email break.
3:30 p.m. No one emails me. Sigh.
3:31 p.m. Lunch! How could I forget lunch.
4:00 p.m. (Do not need to watch Oprah. Do not need to watch Oprah. Resist, resist. Do you think she got rich watching other people work?)
5:00 p.m. Oprah was sooo good. I needed to watch today's show. It was about a singer and a songwriter. Good research verification. Oh, Spinning. Need to go to Spinning!
Crud, put bike pants in dryer. Gel seat is lumpy.
Dog... forgot to feed dog. Must hurry to feed dog. Good bikes go fast.
5:15 p.m. Driving in convertible to gym, thinking of my WIP and characters. Have great idea for scene I wrote earlier. See the work NEVER ends.
5:35 p.m. On bike Spinning. Feeling very guilty. Should be home writing. Time is running out. How can I work, work, work all day, so hard, and end up with only one scene? No wonder the greats only have a dozen lifetime books.
Genius takes time. Thought. Hard work. Writing over and over.
6:50 p.m. Home from Spinning.
Hum, wonder who's emailed.
7:30 p.m. Am hungry. Should make dinner. Oh, need to take shower. Dried sweat drives me crazy.
8:00 p.m. What night is it? Good TV? American Idol? Gilmore Girls? King of Queens?
Hubby asks, "How was your writing day? Did you get your pages done?"
"I sat in front of the computer all day and only got a few pages done. Writing is so hard and draining. Takes all I got, you know. But, I'll make the deadline. I'll work more after this show is over."
10:00 p.m. Wonder who's emailed.
10:30 p.m. Has it been three days since I blogged? Better blog. Watch King of Queens rerun while blogging.
11:00 p.m. Too tired to work on WIP. Best go to bed and start fresh in the morning.
2:00 a.m. Wake up from sound sleep in panic. I'm behind! I'll never get this done! And what I have...stinks! I just need more time. I'm working so hard. What do these writers do who have children?
"God, please help me. Really, I can't do it without you."
4:00 a.m. Fall into unrestful sleep.
7:00 a.m. Wake up, shower, Bible time, McDonalds run for Diet Coke (Have to get out of the house some times.) Boot up computer so it's ready for me when I sit down to write. Hum, wonder who emailed overnight? Isn't Hollywood three hours behind?
7:05 a.m. No one emails me.
10:00 a.m. Repeat yesterday. Rinse and repeat again.
Okay, so I exaggerate. But it's all about discipline and time management.
If we want to achieve our dreams, to have a flowing heart in God, loving our family and friends, achieving our spiritual and career goals, we have to employ strict time management. Be aggressive. Be flexible, but God has given time to us to manage.
Make the most of it. And don't worry about achieving your dream in clean, dry but very wrinkled clothes
Works for me.
Thanks to Amy for having me today!
Diva NashVegas:

For the past decade, Aubrey James has ruled the charts as the queen of country soul. She rocketed to fame in the shadow of her parent's death - pioneers in Christian music. While her public life, high profile romances and fights with Music Row writes juicy tabloid headlines, the real and private Aubrey's is a media mystery.
When a close friend and former band member betrays Aubrey's trust and sells an exclusive story to a tabloid, the super star knows she must go public with her own story.
Inside NashVegas sports anchor, Scott Vaughn, is not prepared for the summer assignment of interviewing a country diva. Especially not one he dated. And abandoned.
But he has no choice. His career and the future of Inside NashVegas depends on the success of this interview.
Aubrey's private world is rocked when Scott shows up at her home for the first session. Realizing it's too late to back out of the deal, Aubrey bravely opens her heart to Scott and discovers a future beyond the lonely orphan girl. Will she find faith, hope and love?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Aubrey James, the Queen of Country Soul."
Rachel Hauck Bio:
Rachel Hauck is a multi-published author living in sunny central Florida with her husband, Tony, a pastor. They have two ornery pets. She is a graduate of Ohio State University and a huge Buckeyes football fan. Rachel serves the writing community as Past President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the Advisory Board. Visit her blog and web site at http://www.rachelhauck.com/.
Leave a comment on her blog and be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate to Starbucks or Barnes & Noble. Two names will be drawn.
For web site, blog and book news go to: http://www.rachelhauck.com/
Diva NashVegas, May 2007, Thomas Nelson
Eight hours at the computer. What a great day! But it goes something like this:
10:00 a.m. Need to turn off Glenn Beck and get to work. But this bit about movies is so funny. Another few seconds. Oh, rats, left clothes in washer for two days.
10:01 a.m. Rewashing clothes.
10:03 a.m. Turn off radio. Ahhh, sigh. Okay, that was emotional, but now that I've cut the chord, I can get to work.
10:04 a.m. At computer. Must check all email and blog sites accounts.
11:00 a.m. Wow, it is eleven already? What...? Well, I was answering emails, checking in with a few readers, doing a quick blog pass. (Had to comment on five of them.)
But, it's marketing right? Getting my name out there!
Oh, write blog for Amy Wallace. Shoot, I forgot. Unexpected company last night. Stayed until 1:45 a.m. Hello, not a teenager anymore. Can't burn the candle at both ends.
11:02 a.m. Writing blog for Amy.
11:30 a.m. Sending blog to Amy. (Pssst, edit for typos, pulleeease)
11:35 a.m. Double click on WIP (work in progress) and go to page 351. Hey, almost finished with my edits and rewrites before deadline.
Shoot, am at a place where I need to write a new scene. Okay, think, think, think.
Hum... wonder who's emailed me in the last, oh say, thirty seconds.
11:37 a.m. Check all three email accounts and MySpace.
11:40 a.m. Okay, stop, get to work. Oh, is the laundry done? Want to get it in the dryer this time.
11:45 a.m. Laundry in dryer. I. Am. Ready. To. Go. But first, launch iTunes. Get some background music going.
Noon! Finally ready to go. Had to pause for a few minutes to download new songs.
12:05 p.m. Staring at page which needs new scene. What I've written so far is good. Like it. But, better check email. Hollywood might have contacted me with emergency request for movie rights.
12:10 p.m. See, this is what's wrong with Hollywood. Cannot recognize a good book-to-movie option. Lost In NashVegas, Georgia On Her Mind, Diva NashVegas...great movie plots.
12:11 p.m. Back to scene. Oh, this is good. Heroine is going to tell hero...wait, I can't write it here! It's a pivital plot point. Can't use Amy's blog as spoiler.
Wonder if I'll ever write as good as Kristin Billerbeck. Where is her latest release. Maybe what I should do is spend a half hour or so reading, then I can write. I don't read enough. Yeah, time out for... Oh, Chris Lynxwiler just IM'd me
2:00 p.m. Back to work. Chris is so funny. Had fun helping her plot her next book, due in June. Okay, so scene with heroine and boyfriend.
2:01 p.m. Wow, it's been awhile since I checked email.
2:30 p.m. Rats, still no Hollywood. Or Broadway. Lost In NashVegas IS begging to be made into a Broadway play.
2:31 p.m. Back to WIP. Crud, cat is caterwauling and dog wants out.
2:32 p.m. I need to get to work here. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, dog is scratching to get back in. Hey, don't you know I have a deadline! I'm pressured here, buddy. Don't waste my time.
Writing is so hard. Look, it's 2:33, I've been working for four hours and only written half a page.
3:00 p.m. Okay, scene done. I like it. Solid. These characters are great. Now, back to editing. Need to get twenty pages done to keep on schedule.
3:01 p.m. Well deserved email break.
3:30 p.m. No one emails me. Sigh.
3:31 p.m. Lunch! How could I forget lunch.
4:00 p.m. (Do not need to watch Oprah. Do not need to watch Oprah. Resist, resist. Do you think she got rich watching other people work?)
5:00 p.m. Oprah was sooo good. I needed to watch today's show. It was about a singer and a songwriter. Good research verification. Oh, Spinning. Need to go to Spinning!
Crud, put bike pants in dryer. Gel seat is lumpy.
Dog... forgot to feed dog. Must hurry to feed dog. Good bikes go fast.
5:15 p.m. Driving in convertible to gym, thinking of my WIP and characters. Have great idea for scene I wrote earlier. See the work NEVER ends.
5:35 p.m. On bike Spinning. Feeling very guilty. Should be home writing. Time is running out. How can I work, work, work all day, so hard, and end up with only one scene? No wonder the greats only have a dozen lifetime books.
Genius takes time. Thought. Hard work. Writing over and over.
6:50 p.m. Home from Spinning.
Hum, wonder who's emailed.
7:30 p.m. Am hungry. Should make dinner. Oh, need to take shower. Dried sweat drives me crazy.
8:00 p.m. What night is it? Good TV? American Idol? Gilmore Girls? King of Queens?
Hubby asks, "How was your writing day? Did you get your pages done?"
"I sat in front of the computer all day and only got a few pages done. Writing is so hard and draining. Takes all I got, you know. But, I'll make the deadline. I'll work more after this show is over."
10:00 p.m. Wonder who's emailed.
10:30 p.m. Has it been three days since I blogged? Better blog. Watch King of Queens rerun while blogging.
11:00 p.m. Too tired to work on WIP. Best go to bed and start fresh in the morning.
2:00 a.m. Wake up from sound sleep in panic. I'm behind! I'll never get this done! And what I have...stinks! I just need more time. I'm working so hard. What do these writers do who have children?
"God, please help me. Really, I can't do it without you."
4:00 a.m. Fall into unrestful sleep.
7:00 a.m. Wake up, shower, Bible time, McDonalds run for Diet Coke (Have to get out of the house some times.) Boot up computer so it's ready for me when I sit down to write. Hum, wonder who emailed overnight? Isn't Hollywood three hours behind?
7:05 a.m. No one emails me.
10:00 a.m. Repeat yesterday. Rinse and repeat again.
Okay, so I exaggerate. But it's all about discipline and time management.
If we want to achieve our dreams, to have a flowing heart in God, loving our family and friends, achieving our spiritual and career goals, we have to employ strict time management. Be aggressive. Be flexible, but God has given time to us to manage.
Make the most of it. And don't worry about achieving your dream in clean, dry but very wrinkled clothes
Works for me.
Thanks to Amy for having me today!
Diva NashVegas:

For the past decade, Aubrey James has ruled the charts as the queen of country soul. She rocketed to fame in the shadow of her parent's death - pioneers in Christian music. While her public life, high profile romances and fights with Music Row writes juicy tabloid headlines, the real and private Aubrey's is a media mystery.
When a close friend and former band member betrays Aubrey's trust and sells an exclusive story to a tabloid, the super star knows she must go public with her own story.
Inside NashVegas sports anchor, Scott Vaughn, is not prepared for the summer assignment of interviewing a country diva. Especially not one he dated. And abandoned.
But he has no choice. His career and the future of Inside NashVegas depends on the success of this interview.
Aubrey's private world is rocked when Scott shows up at her home for the first session. Realizing it's too late to back out of the deal, Aubrey bravely opens her heart to Scott and discovers a future beyond the lonely orphan girl. Will she find faith, hope and love?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Aubrey James, the Queen of Country Soul."
Rachel Hauck Bio:
Rachel Hauck is a multi-published author living in sunny central Florida with her husband, Tony, a pastor. They have two ornery pets. She is a graduate of Ohio State University and a huge Buckeyes football fan. Rachel serves the writing community as Past President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the Advisory Board. Visit her blog and web site at http://www.rachelhauck.com/.
Leave a comment on her blog and be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate to Starbucks or Barnes & Noble. Two names will be drawn.
For web site, blog and book news go to: http://www.rachelhauck.com/
Diva NashVegas, May 2007, Thomas Nelson
I LOVED your post!!! I LOL all the way through. ;-) Thanks for a great guest blog!
I did want to answer one of your questions...
Q. "What do these writers do who have children?"
A. We get less than half of half a page done a day! (G)
Thanks again for hanging out here today!
Rachel ~ This was hilarious!
I now realize I will never finish my WIP because I have only a quarter of the time you expressed and look what I'm doing! I'm on Blogger! I bet I do about half (or more) of those things you posted. LOL!
Thanks to both of you for the comic relief!
And I could really use a trip to Barnes & Noble or Starbucks. I love coffee and I love to read. I'm easy.
Ha, Ha, I LOVED this. Especially laughed out loud at the "Hello, not a teenager anymore. Can't burn the candle at both ends" I can relate. Off to go check email again, hehee..
I loved your post, and I LOVE DivaNashVegas!!!!!!! I'm a third of the way through, and it's better than "Lost"...which was an excellent read, BTW.
**Sigh** So much great fiction...so little time to read...maybe I need to quit my day job....but then I can't afford to buy books!! Oh, the horror!!
LOL and LOL again! Thanks Rachel and Amy :) You know we are all the same whether we are writers or not! My days often look the same with the kid time added too!
Hey guys,
Thanks for visiting Amy's site and saying hi. And thanks for the laugh and kudos. :)
Deena, I loved Lost In NashVegas, but there's something about Diva NashVegas that is so heart felt. God did an amazing thing helping me with that story.
It's hard not to compare Sweet Caroline to it, but I'm working hard to let it be it's own story with it's own values and voice.
Again, that's to you all.
Love, Rachel
P.S. If you stop by GirlsWriteOut on Friday... blush. Well, I ran out of time and they wanted a blog, too.
It was funny enough to repeat, right???
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