What began as a silly joke between David and me is now a family catch phrase that always brings smiles. And after fourteen years~ today!~ we have a lot of those family jokes and silly memories.
They are one of the many reasons I love you, David, even more today than on our wedding day.
Most of those memorable moments didn't come in the "big" celebrations or with expensive price tags.
They are the result of family dinners, shared dreams, and time together.
What stands out most in the midst of fourteen years of marriage are the little moments that have filled my heart to overflowing...
Laughing over goofy jokes till our sides hurt
Staring at a rainbow together
Evening walks
Board games (even Photo Trek because we love all our princesses even if we don't like their favorite games)
Silly notes and phone calls just to say hello and I love you
Praying together
Reading stories as a family like Junie B. Jones and Holding Heaven and laughing or crying, or sometimes both
Christmas mornings
Car trips with James Taylor and Alabama
Watching Zoom for the hundredth time
Dancing together
The priceless gift of forgiveness
All these and more are the snapshots lovingly stored in my heart and mind.
Thank you, David, for making them possible. You're a wonderful provider. A very present and involved daddy who is adored by his daughters. An incredibly good-looking and adventurous husband. A tender and trust-worthy best friend. A man after God's heart.
I love you, honey, and look forward to what's ahead because we'll face it together with God.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people! Amy, we are proud to have you as our daughter-in-law/love.
We pray for you and David and the girls every day and look forward to loving you all for as long as He allows us to enjoy the many blessings He provides for us on this earth.
Each of you is very special to us.
Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year!
Celste and Gene
Thank you so much for your prayers! We love you both dearly and are very thankful for your support, encouragement and love.
Much love,
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