Except that God keeps taking me back to a few simple things...
We celebrate Christmas because of one reason: Jesus came.
Everything else is icing.
So instead of focusing on the icing, I wanted to share some of the good stuff God has been showing me about the Christmas story.
The First Christmas Gifts
Salvation~ Jesus came to make a way for us to be reconciled to God. He came to be the perfect sacrifice, the Lamb of God, on the cross. I wonder if that's one of the reasons the angels proclaimed the first birth announcement to shepherds.
Peace~ After God's glory was proclaimed, the angels spoke of peace to men on whom His favor rests. That's us, His children. He is our peace.
Hope~ Jesus was born into a dark world, a world where many had given up hope. But because of His birth, centuries later we can have hope. Hope that all the trials and hardships have a purpose and that this life is not the end. Because of Jesus, we can anticipate heaven and spending forever face to face with the One who loves us more than we can ever comprehend.
Purpose~ From shepherds to prophets and wise men, in our uniqueness we can proclaim Him and share the good news that sent wise men journeying far, prophets shouting out praise, and shepherds telling everyone they met about all they had seen.
I hope, as you open other gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, that you'll remember these first Christmas gifts too. And rejoice in the truth that God's gifts are life changing. They're never too old or too used to unwrap and enjoy year after year.
May your Christmas be full of awe and wonder as you worship the newborn King, God with us~ Immanuel!
Merry Christmas!!!
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