Unlike other years, we haven't spent a lot of time this holiday season looking back over 2009. It was a hard year. One better left in the hands of God as we trust Him to take the last 365 days and continue the quiet work He was always about.
My word for 2009 was PEACE. The oddest of all the words God has given me to reflect on for the coming year.
But it was the good way God showed Himself in the midst of multiple hard things. He was our peace. Both felt and not realized until well after the fact.
When I do look back on 2009, PEACE is what covers everything.
I pray I'll say the same this time next year, because the word for 2010 is LOVE.
Fitting for today, the day David and I said I DO to whatever God had in store.
Like 2009, our wedded bliss has been a challenge, more like a roller coaster ride of high heights and deep drops that God has covered in His grace.
And God has always been at work teaching us about His love.
Sometimes we've listened.
Sometimes we've touched heaven. We've held three precious gifts of God in our arms and released one straight to God's arms.
We've stood in awe when our Heavenly Daddy became our daughters' Heavenly Daddy too.
We've celebrated birthdays and Christmases and anniversaries where love was the focus.
But as God whispered my 2010 word, it was clear there's much more to learn.
I have so much more to learn.
Especially in everyday moments. Those small flashes of time where God is always there, always speaking, and where we make choices which seem small, decisions that don't feel like big things. But they change the course of our lives.
Sometimes, in those seemingly small moments, I don't listen. School, work, even serving others creates a static that drowns out God's words. But God doesn't give up on us. He continues drawing us closer, opening our eyes and ears.
In one of those everyday moments full of big potential, God got my attention and I listened to a set of verses that my whole family got excited about.
Since then, we've started saying these verses together, the verses God used to turn my heart to thoughts of 2010 and LOVE.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.
Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
V'ahav'ta eit Adonai Elohekha b'khol l'vav'kha uv'khol naf'sh'kha uv'khol m'odekha.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
V'hayu had'varim ha'eileh asher anokhi m'tzav'kha hayom al l'vavekha.
And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart.
V'shinan'tam l'vanekha v'dibar'ta bam
And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
b'shiv't'kha b'veitekha uv'lekh't'kha vaderekh uv'shakh'b'kha uv'kumekha
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Mark 12:29-31
'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
These verses jumped off the page as God reminded me that it truly is all about love. So that's my prayer and my hope for 2010: that all we say and do be all about LOVE.

Speaking of love.... Happy Anniversary, honey! I'm more in love with you today than on that extra-special day fifteen years ago when my heart was more full than ever before. I love you. Always.
And Happy New Year, everyone!
May your 2010 be filled with LOVE. A love that wraps around your heart and soul and warms you in the cold moments, calms you in the tough moments, thrills you in the joyous moments, and comforts you in every moment.
May you love as Jesus loved~ with all that He is. Enjoy 2010 and love well.
1 comment:
Hello Amy Wallace,
You quoted Devarim 6:4. Ribi Yehoshua ha-Mashiakh did teach from that verse.
A logical analysis (found here: www.netzarim.co.il ) of the earliest manusscripts (including the logical implications of the research by Ben-Gurion Univ. Prof. of Linguistics Elisha Qimron of Dead Sea Scroll 4Q MMT)) of “the gospel of Matthew”, implies that Ribi Yehoshua was a Perushi (Pharisee). Ribi Yehoshua ha-Mashiakh (the Messiah) from Nazareth was called a Ribi and only the Perushim had Ribis.
A logical analysis of all first century documents proves that he and his followers Netzarim taught and practised Torah all of their lives. It also proves that to follow Ribi Yehoshua ha-Mashiakh one must do his/her sincerest to keep all of the mitzwot (commandments) in Torah.
Best regards, Anders Branderud
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