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Monday, August 10, 2009


It's so fun giving away books! :-) And especially sweet to give back to you all who have always been such an encouragement to my heart.

The two book winners are:

Edna~ Blue Like Play Dough

Robyn~ The Hope of Refuge

Congratulations ladies!

And for those of you who still haven't read Enduring Justice, book 3 in the Defenders of Hope series.... I'm having too much fun giving away books, so I'll give away one more.

Just leave me a comment and someone will win a signed copy of Enduring Justice for yourself or to give away.

Happy Monday!


Danielle White Versluys said...

I'm in! :-)

Melissa Juvinall said...

Pick me!

robynl said...

congrats Edna and thanks so much for my book win.

Carmen said...

I would LOVE to win Enduring Justice. Please enter me. Thank you.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Edna said...

thanks so much I sent my address.


Anonymous said...

I would love to win. Thanks

Amy Wallace said...

Tarenn98~ you're the winner!

If you'll send me (via my website email) your snail mail address, I'll get a signed copy of Enduring Justice sent your way!

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