Here's my PSA about New Year's Eve weddings...It's great for the wedding and awesome to help you remember your anniversary. But BAD with a capital B for getting a baby-sitter when the kiddos join you.
Thankfully, tomorrow grandparents are keeping our kiddos so my hubby and I can spend the night at a near-by Chateau in the mountains. We'll dance, eat some fabulous food, and likely reminisce about our 12 years of married life.
Then again, maybe we won't do the memory lane walk. Why? Because our 12 years have been anything but the happily ever after fairytale. I love my husband and he loves me, but when we got married we still had A LOT of growing up to do. And that makes the normal fights about toilet paper and toothpaste tons harder.
We've weathered Christmases where we didn't think we'd make it to our anniversary still married. There were a few we almost didn't.
But God is still on His throne and for reasons only He understands He would not allow either one of us to sign divorce papers. Where I sit at the edge of 2006, I'm thankful. Very thankful.
God is far from through with me, my husband, or our marriage. And after a few years of far more good days than bad, I can name many reasons to celebrate our anniversary.
Here's the short list:
We have three precious, delightful kiddos and one waiting for us in heaven with Jesus.
My husband and I are now walking in freedom from the addiction that nearly destroyed us.
We know without a doubt God DOES take you THROUGH the hell on earth times. We've lived some of them and survived to see the other side.
God has shown us He is faithful and always present when no human can be.
My husband and I still love to dream together.
We're still committed to helping each other achieve those dreams and teaching our kids that with God all things are possible. Dream big.
After 12 years there are some great photos in our albums to remind us there were good moments.
Those same photos remind us there will be more good times ahead.
We still love long walks and snuggling up by Christmas tree light.
God has used our story to show one more facet of His amazing grace.
We've learned the immeasurable value of growth because we've seen how far we've come.
My husband and I still look at each other like we did on our wedding day when we thought we'd found "the One." We did. We still do.
So even though my husband and I haven't reached the 12 year mark without scars, we have reached it. That alone is a reason to celebrate anyway.
As we look back on 2006, I have a feeling there are many like us who won't be jumping into 2007 without the scars to prove life is hard. But instead of wishing for a different set of memories...
I pray you'll join me in receiving the good things God has for us in 2007. Not grasping for them or striving after the wind and changes that only God can accomplish. But opening your hands and hearts to accept God's very arms around you, carrying you through the tough times, rejoicing with you in the victories, and singing over you all the time.
A favorite quote comes to mind from the pages of King David's life...
"I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God that which cost me nothing." (2 Samuel 24:24)
That's how I look with joyful expectation as I glance back on the last 12 years and then look ahead toward the future. Because I know that with every fallen tear and every hardship endured, in giving them back to God and praising Him still, He will receive the offering.
He will strengthen and settle us.
He will be near us.
He will comfort us.
He will grow us up even more.
And through it all He will sing over us and smile.
Because He knows the end of the story. One day we will too.
But I doubt I'll care a bit about the why's then. Because when that time comes, I'll actually get to see Jesus face to face.
And never again lose sight of His loving smile. Not for a single second.
In the meantime, I will celebrate and praise Him anyway. Because that's what He created me to do. He created me to dance with Him and remember His goodness even so.
Happy 2007!!! May it be for you a leap closer to your Heavenly Daddy through the sunshine and the tears. Here's to the rainbows ahead.
Happy New Year!
Lovely words, Amy :) Thanks for the gentle reminders you give us of the faithfulness of God's love.
Happy anniversary! Steve and I celebrate our 14th in 8 days!
2007 has arrived in Australia so happy new year to you all :)
And tell your hubby and beautiful girlies I said hello! :-)
This is an awesome post, Amy! Happy Anniversary :-)
Laurie (who has a few scars too)
Happy New Year, Rel! And happy anniversary too!!! Hope you all have a wonderful celebration.
Thanks so much, Kirstin!
Everyone says "Hi!" back and hopes we'll get to see you again soon!
Thanks so much for leaving me such an encouraging comment! Feedback like that nudges me to keep seeking the Lord for what to post and putting my behind in the chair to do it.
Prayers that 2007 is a year of rest for both of us and that God will continue to show us how He understands our scars as we seek to understand more of His.
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