She's been keeping us all in tune for ten years and is super excited about finally being in double digits. We're celebrating with a special grown up tea party at this neat little tea room where all the girls can dress up in beautiful gowns and eat on fine china.
But her birthday has me a little nostalgic realizing this is the kiddo who first made me a mommy. It can't possibly have been a decade ago.
In this picture she's showing off her very first sunflower. She and her daddy share an enjoyment of working in the garden. Me? Not so much. The garden I'm most interested with investing my time in is my children. Watching them grow is one of life's simplest pleasures.
I remember listening to my oldest first prayers, videotaping her first song, listening to her read her first book. I remember vividly the day she became a Christian.
After one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days, my little girl looked at me and said, "Mommy, I think I really need Jesus."
My not so loving response was an exasperated, "Yes. You do!"
She proceeded to explain that she realized through all the correcting she'd received that day that she couldn't be good without Jesus.
And as soon as Daddy came home that day, she prayed this prayer as we listened: "Jesus, please take away my black heart and put your heart in me."
Since then, I've had the privilege of watching this little girl grow up to become an amazing young lady. She's a wonderful teacher, pray-er, encourager, artist, inventor, and all around neat person.
She lives life with everything she has, she loves without embarrassment, she sings with joy and gusto, and she forgives readily.
I want to be more like her when I grow up.
Happy birthday, honey! I love you so much~ to infinity and beyond!!!
Happy Birthday sweet E!! You are a special young lady and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Miss Sally
She said "Thank you" (with a huge smile) and asked me to let you know she's having a wonderful day. ;-)
Thanks for making their birthdays extra special with your notes!
Me and E
Happy Birthday to you! My own E baby will be turning 10 in a couple of months :)
Hope you had a lovely day with your mum, dad and sisters :)
Love, Rel
Thanks, Rel! We had a wonderful grown-up tea party and enjoyed some great laughs together as the people at the Arbor House taught my girls Victorian dances. I'll have to send you the pictures!
Thanks too for sharing in my oldest kiddo's smiles with your note.
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